How to make your Starbucks PSL healthier


A Healthy Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte

“Although pumpkin itself is loaded with nutrients, the pumpkin spice lattes traditionally served at coffee shops are artificially sweetened and contain little, if any, real pumpkin,” says certified holistic health coach Kara Mosseso. “The combination of the caffeine from the espresso and that high refined-sugar load with no fiber to balance it out will give you an initial energy jolt, but will leave you crashing soon after. Not to mention, refined sugar causes a lot of inflammation in the body.”

And according to Starbucks, a grande-sized drink has 380 calories and 50 grams of sugar, which is twice the amount that the American Heart Association suggests women consume in an entire day. Basically, gulping down a single drink is the grown-up equivalent of eating all of your Halloween candy in one sitting.



As the temperatures start to dip, thoughts turn Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL). We drink quite a bit of coffee in the Perry household (expect Mom who only enjoys the smell). Daughter Emily is an admitted coffee snob (and part-time barista). We pretty well all agree that PSL is just a bit too sweet and usually are not part of the mass migration to get that Autumnal fix. Luckily the article gives additional ideas for reducing or changing ingredients. It is amazing what a few alterations can do, for both good or harm. Enjoy your PSL and practice holistic health!

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