Baking Bread Brings Wellbeing Benefits
Baking bread brings wellbeing benefits beyond just better, non-processed bread. The act of making bread can instill a sense of accomplishment, even if its not a work of beauty.
Sliced white is all very well, but a slab of real bread from the bakery, smeared with butter and apricot jam, is practically unbeatable. And if you’ve made that loaf yourself – however misshapen or flat – the added side of pride is pretty wonderful.
That’s the feeling #RealBreadWeek (February 23 – March 3), run by the Real Bread Campaign, is trying to promote and encourage. It’s now in its 10th year of trying to get more people enjoying real bread – and by ‘real bread’ they mean loaves made entirely without artificial additives. All you, or any baker, needs for the simplest loaf is flour, water, yeast and a little salt.
“A child of five can do it, and in the hands of an artisan, those natural ingredients can be elevated to a delicious work of art,” says Chris Young, Real Bread Campaign coordinator.
Source: Real Bread Week: These are the wellbeing benefits of baking your own loaf | Irish Examiner
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