Fruit Vegetables Benefit Physical Mental Wellbeing
It might make one wonder why articles and studies constantly need to pop up to remind us that fruits and vegetables can benefit our wellbeing, both physical and mental. After all, fruits and vegetables and whole grains have been staples of the human diet until perhaps the last 50 years. In that time we have seen a rise in chronic illnesses, again both physical and mental.
Dr Howley said: “There appears to be accumulating evidence for the psychological benefits of fruits and vegetables. Despite this, the data show that the vast majority of people in the UK still consume less than their five-a-day.
“Encouraging better dietary habits may not just be beneficial to physical health in the long run but may also improve mental well-being in the shorter term.”
Dr Ensor added: “This work is part of a broader project between our universities known as “IKnowFood”. As well as investigating consumer behaviour and wellbeing, IKnowFood is exploring how farmers in the UK, and businesses across the global food supply chain, can become more resilient in the face of growing uncertainty in markets, regulation and the natural environment.”
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