What You Need To Know About SAD Lamps
- Origin: Though the healing power of sunlight has been known for ages, Nobel Laureate Niels Ryberg Finsen brought artificial light to healthcare in the late 1800’s.
- Form: Lamps are usually portable and can be set up on a desk or other furniture. It is important to get a lamp that fits your needs. Here are some recommendations from the Mayo Clinic. Be sure to consult your healthcare provider..
- Potential Health Benefits and Uses
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Side Effects & Interactions: Always consult with a licensed healthcare provider.
- Research:
What You Might Want To Know
What Benefits Might I Get From SAD Lamps?
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
SAD is a major depression that intensifies when sunshine is scarce, usually due to seasonality like Winter. Norman E. Rosenthal, MD is credited with coining the memorable diagnosis and acronym in the 1980’s. However, the application of artificial light for health dates back a century to Nobel Laureate Niels Ryberg Finsen.
Light Therapy
Over 100 years later, we still benefit from Dr. Finsen’s work in artificial light for health. SAD lamps, or light therapy boxes, provide us with significant exposure to light to help offset the seasonal scarcity of sunshine. WARNING: you must consider the type of light (e.g., intensity, UV amount, etc.) as well as time(s) for use. You should always consult a training healthcare provider. More is not necessarily better.
What Color?
While researchers agree that light treatment is an effective therapy for SAD, there is less agreement on what type of light to use. Do you research and/or consult a healthcare provider.
You are in charge of your health. Doing a little extra research will not only let you make better decisions but also empower YOU with knowledge. To help you learn more let HealthCare Too start you with some links:
- The effects of low-intensity narrow-band blue-light treatment compared to bright white-light treatment in seasonal affective disorder
- Light Therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder with Blue Narrow-Band Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
- The effects of low-intensity narrow-band blue-light treatment compared to bright white-light treatment in sub-syndromal seasonal affective disorder
Light therapy is the first-choice treatment for acute SAD episodes and second-generation antidepressants are the second-choice treatment.
Implementing prevention of seasonal affective disorder from patients’ and physicians’ perspectives – a qualitative study Tweet
SAD Lamps for Light Therapy
When you are ready, here are some products that may help you experience these health benefits for your own health and household.