NADA Ear Acupuncture
A critical consideration often overlooked in healthcare is the potential benefit vs. the potential cost / harm. NADA ear acupuncture is low-cost and low-risk but may be part of helping relieve chronic challenges like “the Blues”. The state of Wyoming has embraced this approach where “regular” people can be part of providing simple ear acupuncture.
Yes. Too much “tiering” puts a therapy at risk. Yes. This may undermine other professionals who are trained far more extensively. Yes. potentially serious diagnoses may go untreated because those trained in this technique lack the full credentials. That said, even professionals with years of training miss diagnoses. Many people go without any treatment at all due to costs, scheduling, availability, disappointment with the US “sick care” system, and more. Everyone agrees we need transformation and innovation in healthcare but not if that involves change and new thinking.
[The State of Wyoming] created a law that allowed any adult U.S. citizen with an interest, who took and completed the appropriate NADA training, to provide the services. And unlike other states that might limit services to a few conditions or locations, this piece of Wild West legislation allowed the practice for stress relief, for pain, for loneliness, grief and whatever else may be tearing at one’s vital force, at fire stations or churches, community centers or malls, and whereever else “ADSes” – as they call themselves – might gather one of more interested recipients. The experiment is most under way in Laramie, Wyoming, population 30,000. Can the Laramie experience be a healing tool for the nation?
The legal basis for this practice is a section in the 2017 law that legalized acupuncture practice in Wyoming. “Auricular acupuncture” is established as a subset of practice. The statute calls it “tiered licensing.” Where licensed acupuncturists must meet certification standards of the National Certification Association for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAM), the law designates NADA training or an equivalent for the ADSes. The field is defined in the law as a “practice trained by a nationally recognized auricular acupuncture program for the purpose of treating mental and emotional health, post and acute trauma, substance abuse and chemical dependency.
”This umbrella of potential conditions for the treatment reaches approximately to everyone under the sun. The Wyoming legislature would have put an exclamation point on their intent by simply adding “the blues.”
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