What Is Cupping? Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing

What Is Cupping? Cupping has been around for millennia in the Middle East and Asia. However, Western nations have only begun to embrace cupping. So what is cupping and why does it work? Explanations range from massaging sore muscles to flow of Qi. Here are some highlights from an article from the University of Minnesota’s University

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Treating menopause naturally: herbs, home remedies and holistic therapies

Treating Menopause Naturally Too often we start with the premise that menopause is a medical condition that must be treated medically. Nothing could be further from the truth. Menopause is certainly a change… physically, mentally, spiritually– and can adversely affect quality of life. While some women may need medical intervention, there are less-invasive and lower-risk

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Acupressure App May Ease Menstrual Pain, Try These Home Remedies Too!

Acupressure Eases Menstrual Pain Acupuncture points have long been used to help with menstrual pain. Acupressure eases menstrual pain as well but finding the points on the body in order to apply pressure has been a challenge. Now a new app, AKUD, helps women learn to locate the points. The clinical evidence is promising. The

Acupressure App May Ease Menstrual Pain, Try These Home Remedies Too! Read More »

Employee wellness education

Employee Wellness Education It great to have a benefit… but it is really only a benefit if you know about it and can use it. Enter employee wellness education and accountability.   “Another problem that stops employees from making really important changes is a lack of accountability,” the authors write. “Start employee resource groups so

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Wellness Evidence: Is massage good for you, or does it just feel nice?

Wellness Evidence Quite often we come across someone who is interested in a more holistic approach to health. Unfortunately, they hesitate because there is no wellness evidence. Without “evidence” so many therapeutic modalities are dismissed as placebo effect or even just “woo woo” (we’ve actually heard that term). Some systems like Traditional Chinese Medicine or

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Vets Adopt Alternative Treatments for Chronic Pain After Education – Pain Medicine News

Chronic Pain Education Dean Ornish once said, “Awareness-mindfulness-is the first step in healing.” The authors of the article Vets Adopt Alternative Treatments for Chronic-Pain After Education would certainly agree. When we think about it, chronic pain is not just something that appears during a clinical visit. Chronic pain is on-going so we need tools to

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