Researchers Find New Organ Missed by Gold Standard Methods for Visualizing Anatomy & Disease

Researchers Find New Organ This might be a great learning lesson… despite our claims about science we do not know everything. Researchers find a new organ and now claim it may be the largest organ in human anatomy. Yet the “interstitium” and its functions remained undetected for decades, even centuries? There are trillions of unknown

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Legendary scientist Leroy Hood sees big changes ahead for 21st Century healthcare

21st Century Healthcare Leroy Hood is a renowned scientist who has also nailed a challenge in modern healthcare. There is indeed a fundamental transformation underway in 21st Century healthcare, one that has started but will pick up incredible speed before full impact. The change is not due to information technology or any new scientific breakthroughs.

Legendary scientist Leroy Hood sees big changes ahead for 21st Century healthcare Read More »

Utopic Wellness Communities Are A Multibillion-Dollar Real Estate Trend

Wellness Communities As our appreciation of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) grows so too does the value we place on community and surroundings. Wellness communities have sprouted up all over the world and people are moving in. It’s like Disneyland released a Pleasantville attraction, or a modern day kibbutz for health enthusiasts. It’s fitting that

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Effective precision medicine demands a holistic approach, physician expert says

Precision Medicine Demands Holistic Approach When we speak about the new field of Precision Medicine, minds wander off to new scientific discoveries like genomics. However, if we think of Precision Medicine merely as refining the current allopathic tool set then we lose an opportunity. Precision Medicine demands a holistic approach in order to address concerns

Effective precision medicine demands a holistic approach, physician expert says Read More »

Our Health & Wellbeing starts with our environments

Healthy Environments There is a “vibe” that accompanies any environment. The feeling one gets when stepping out of a New York City subway tunnel is different than walking up to a cottage in the woods. That “vibe” also impacts our wellbeing. Healthy environments have become the center of attention for efforts to improve overall health.

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Is Wholeness the Secret of Well-Being? 

Wholeness Sometimes the simplest concept can be the most complex to understand. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (and martial arts) there is the idea of Yin and Yang– two opposite aspect that make one whole. Many consumers as well as providers have moved from a decomposition model to systemic understanding. The body is no longer distinct

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Sound Health

Sound Health There is much about the human brain and nervous system that we do not understand. There is much about the health benefits from ancient practices like music that we still do not understand. But research continues and a recent workshop, Sound Health, explored these connections. The collaborative workshop, an early step in the

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Life Changes Lifestyle– Ayurvedic Supplements for Menopause: Do They Work?

Life Changes Lifestyle Many women contemplate that phase of Life when they undergo “The Change”. Menopause is natural, if inconvenient and sometimes unpleasant. As with many conditions, how we choose to address menopause matters greatly. Quite simply, life changes lifestyle. What we did at age 10 is different from age 20 and is different from

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